Who to Call or Write at City Hall about our Mt Tabor Reservoirs, PART 1
Why is Reservoir 6 still empty? (See also previous MTNA blog posts on Reservoir 6)
If you want to call, email, or write to find out why, here’s some contact information:
Note: Commissioner assignments can be changed by the Mayor: Visit the Commissioner in Charge website to find out which departments each member of City Council has been assigned: Commissioners in Charge: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/article/224450
As of today, Feb 21, 2022:
Write to this address:
Mayor [Name] or Commissioner [Name]
Portland City Hall
1221 SW 4th Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Phone numbers and Email addresses:
Mayor Wheeler:
Elected 2020
Contact form page at https://www.portland.gov/help/contact-elected-official
Phone: 503-823-4120
Commissioner Mapps:
Commissioner in Charge of the Water Bureau (among others city departments)
Elected Nov 2020
Water Bureau: Mt Tabor Reservoir contacts:
Call or email:
Katy Asher: Water Bureau Senior Communications Specialist (formerly at SE Uplift)
Other Water Bureau “Contact Us” pages:
See also Washington Park Reservoirs project overview:
Other Commissioners who vote on Portland city parks’ reservoir maintenance and budget issues:
Commissioner Rubio:
Commissioner in Charge of the Parks Department (among other departments)
Elected Nov 2020:
Website: https://www.portland.gov/rubio
Phone: 503-823-3008
Commissioner Hardesty:
Commissioner in Charge of Office of Community & Civic Life Department (among other departments)
Elected 2018:
Website: https://www.portland.gov/hardesty
Email: joann@portlandoregon.gov
Phone: 503-823-4151
This post was published 2/21/2022 (by Laura)