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Reminder: MTNA Meeting: January 19, 2022, 7 p.m.

If you have trouble registering with the January 2022 meeting Zoom link found at the MTNA Meetings page, here is the correct URL:

Draft Agenda (updated as of 1/18/22):

6:45 Arrive early, give yourself plenty of time to connect.

7:00 Welcome & Introductions: David Petrozzi - facilitator; Jim Pierce - minutes

7:10 MTNA Consent Agenda

Approve November meeting minutes – David Petrozzi

Treasurer's Report - Bing Wong

7:20 Call for announcements or issues not already on the agenda

7:30 Reservoir 6 Emptiness - Stephanie Stewart

7:50 Air Quality Action Committee Update - Mo Klein

8:00 Friends of the Park Report - Bing Wong

8:10 Southeast Uplift Report – Jim Pierce

8:30 Adjourn

Next Meeting: Third Wednesday of every month - February 16, 2022 - at 7 PM, via Zoom

For newsletters, minutes, meeting links and much more visit:

Please check the MTNA meetings page for the Zoom link to Wednesday’s meeting and previous meetings’ minutes and newsletters.

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