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Phone and Email Contacts for Reporting Fire and Safety Incidents in Mt Tabor Park

Note 1: The following contacts may be used to report incidents in all city parks, not just in Mt Tabor Park.

Note 2: Please be patient and persistent when trying to report any incident. Your efforts are appreciated and may save lives. Thank you!

1) Call 911 for a fire in progress or if you see someone who appears to be starting a fire. (Police non-emergency line: 503-823-3333)

2) Parks Ranger Dispatch line: 503-823-1637 (7:30 am to 5 pm, 7 days a week)

3) Parks Ranger Call Center email:

4) Arson Tip Line: 503-823-4673 (503-823-FIRE).

5) File a report via the Portland Parks website: (You can also view “Latest Observations” at the website.)

6) Call 311, describe the situation (where, what, etc.), and ask for instructions.

7) If all else fails, email Jason Andersen, lead fire investigator, and one of the speakers at the 9/9/22, Fire Emergency Meeting:

This blog post was published on 9/10/22 (by Laura).


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