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MTNA Meeting: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 (Online via Zoom)

Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda

November 18, 2020

LOCATION: Zoom call

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

6:45 Please arrive early to give yourself plenty of time to connect. You will be MUTED upon arrival and will need to UNMUTE yourself when you want to speak. Please MUTE yourself again after speaking so as to limit interference from background noise.

7:00 Welcome & Introductions -- Brian Mitchell

7:05 MTNA Consent Agenda -- Brian Mitchell

Approve minutes from October meeting (attached)

Treasurer’s Report - Bing Wong

7:15 Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Update - Bing Wong

7:25 Land Use Updates - Stephanie Stewart

7:35 COVID in Oregon - Brian Mitchell

7:50 Announcements, questions, concerns not otherwise on the agenda

8:00 Adjourn

Next Meetings: NO December Meeting! We will resume meeting in January 2021 on the third Wednesday of every month using Zoom until further notice. Go here for Zoom meeting times and registration links:

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