MTNA Meeting, Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Please join us at the next Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, at 7 pm.
Location: TaborSpace: Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at 5441 SE Belmont St. (downstairs in the dining hall).
A final Agenda is distributed shortly before the meeting, via the Mt Tabor email listserve.
A draft Agenda is shared on the listserve several days before the meeting. If you have general MTNA questions or questions about how to add an item to the monthly Agenda, please email Board members at (or just come to the meeting).
Board members are volunteers with schedules as busy as your own. Please send Agenda item and other requests or questions well before your own and MTNA deadlines. Familiarity with how meetings are conducted and attending a meeting prior to your requested appearance date are helpful but not necessary.
Please link to our 1/15/17 "Mt Tabor Neighborhood Social Media and Email Groups" blog post for more information about sharing Mt. Tabor cyberspace with your neighbors.
Draft Meeting Agenda: January 15, 2020
Adjustments may be made to the schedule depending upon weather or changes to scheduled guest appearances:
6:50 Neighborhood Social Time - Come meet your neighbors! 7:00 Welcome & Introductions – Mike Turaski 7:05 MTNA Consent Agenda: Approve Minutes from Previous Month’s Meeting – Laura Smith 7:10 Treasurer’s Report – Bing Wong 7:15 Call for Announcements or Neighborhood Issues and Concerns– Mike Turaski 7:25 The Theatre Company, Tabor Space Performances in 2020 – Jen Rowe, CoArtistic Director 7:35 Portland Police Update - East Portland Precinct Commander Tashia Hager 7:45 Thorburn St. Pedestrian Crossing Project – Debra Monzon 7:55 Neighborhood Cleanup 2020 Planning - MikeTuraski 8:10 Land Use Report (60th & Burnside) – Stephanie Stewart & John Laursen 8:25 Portland 3.96 Code Change Update - John Laursen 8:35 Southeast Uplift news – Sam Noble 8:40 MTNA email notices – Jim Smith 8:45 Adjourn
Next Meetings: Third Wednesday of every month – Feb. 19, Mar. 18 at 7 PM. Location: Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at 5441 SE Belmont St. (downstairs in the dining hall)
For More Information: