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MTNA Board Meeting, April 19, 2017

Join your Mt Tabor neighbors at the April 19, 2017 Mount Tabor Neighborhood Association monthly meeting.

The tentative Agenda is as follows. Please speak to your Board members if you have any questions.

Draft Meeting Agenda April 19, 2017

6:50 Neighborhood Social Time - Come meet your neighbors!

7:00 Welcome & Introductions

7:05 MTNA Consent Agenda: Approve Minutes from Previous Month’s Meeting – Laura Smith

7:10 Treasurer’s Report – Bing Wong

7:15 Neighborhood Crime Issues – Portland Police Sergeant Andrusko

7:20 Call for Announcements or Neighborhood Issues and Concerns – Nancy Norby

7:30 60s Neighborhood Greenway/Bikeway – Terry Dublinski

7:40 Thorburn Safety Project update – Debra Monzon

7:50 Mount Tabor Park stair handrail project update – Jaime English, PP&R project mgr.

7:55 MTNA Board member nominations – Laura Smith

8:05 Land Use Update - Stephanie Stewart/John Laursen

8:15 MTNA email notices – Jim Smith

8:20 SEUL update – Paul Leistner

8:25 Friends of Mount Tabor Park update – Bing Wong

8:30 Adjourn

Next Meetings: Third Wednesday of every month – (No December meeting) May 17, June 21, July 19 at 7 PM. Location: Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at 5441 SE Belmont St. (downstairs in the dining hall)

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