MTNA Website Blog Disclaimers and Comments Policy
This is a very long version of the brief disclaimer I include in each MTNA website blog post:
Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) website blog posts focus on Portland neighborhood news and announcements.
The information provided on the MTNA website blog is for casual use only. We do not provide legal, medical, financial, familial, or any other professional advice, nor do we endorse any person, product, business or corporation.
Please talk to a licensed and otherwise qualified lawyer, doctor, accountant, teacher, librarian, professor, etc. if you want educated guesses or professional opinions and advice.
For commentary, opinions, recommendations, and much more, please sign up for neighborhood e-lists, e.g. Mt Tabor Google Group, Next Door, etc.
More on Disclaimers and Comments Policy:
Another way to describe our online Disclaimers and Comments (and participation) policy is to borrow from Woot, which I am not endorsing, but it's hard not to love their "What is not allowed in the Community" FAQ - and I quote from their Woot FAQ:
"What is not allowed in the community?
First, the usual disclaimer – we're not responsible for the content of any user- submitted post in our community. In practice, we'll try to enforce some simple guidelines below. We want good and bad feedback and will not defend ourselves by means of censorship.
Do not post personal information such as email or physical addresses, phone numbers, order numbers, etc.
Do not post any advertising to which you are related or stand to profit from the referral. (This means any reference to another site must be on topic, such as a lower price found, a product review, articles of particular interest to Wooters, etc.)
Do not post fake reviews (good or bad) of a product you have not physically used or seen used firsthand. Feel free to post what you've heard, just try to be clear and upfront about it.
Do not post anything that isn't safe for work, or safe for kids. Again, think PG-13. We're sure you're aware that there are plenty of forums on the web that would love to have your smut. This is not one of them, and we'll enforce it. Complain about it too much and we'll tell your grandma what a sicko you are. Do not personally attack another community member. No name calling.
We know spamming and forum vandalism when we see it. We will enjoy ruthlessly destroying it. So bring it, chumps! Bring it!"
Hat tip to Woot FAQ, where I found the above Communities participation rules. from